What is The yard Newcastle?
The Yard. Newcastle —your dedicated makerspace designed for children to unleash their creativity and play freely. At The Yard, what they make is entirely up to each individual. Whether concocting imaginative mixtures in the mud kitchen, constructing houses, or fostering connections with others, our space is a canvas for endless possibilities.
At The Yard. Newcastle, we take joy in supplying materials and witnessing the incredible creations that emerge from the minds of both children and adults. We embrace curiosity, creativity, experimentation, and innovation, fostering an environment where our skilled makers and educators are on hand to help translate visions into tangible objects.
Our makerspace operates without a set structure, allowing children to explore at their own pace. The essence of learning and fun lies in the effort invested in making, rather than the final product. Every experience at The Yard, Newcastle, is crafted to empower children to take control, share their imagination, and foster creativity within a vibrant and inclusive community.
​On any given day at The Yard. Newcastle we offer a variety of ways that children can explore, interweave and repurpose to create, learn and try something new. Some of the things you may encounter at The Yard. Newcastle include:
Textile processes such as sewing and weaving
Lego(R) Robotics
Take Apart with recycled toys, electrical systems and small appliances
Loose parts
The Yard. Newcastle is anything but ordinary - it's an extraordinary haven for young minds to thrive.
What you can expect
Minimum of seven areas for children to explore at their own pace each session
One workshop each session lead by a play worker* (children are not forced to participate)
Unstructured play
A program that is adaptable to your child's needs
Mess that you do not have to clean up
​We encourage children to use their instinctual inquisitive natures by providing a safe place. We empower them to take acceptable risks and trust their bodily awareness. We follow the child's lead. This often means getting wet, dirty, covered in paint, muddy and messy!
*During our extended sessions and term workshop sessions

A few important things to note:
Try to have an open mind. Our sessions are probably unlike anything you have attended before. Just know we have made a safe environment for children to enjoy at their own pace.
This is not a child minding service. Our sessions are child led but parent supervised and interactive unless specified as a drop off session.
There is a very good chance your child will get messy so please bring a change of clothes and a towel for after the session.
BENEFITS of unstructured making play
Allowing your child to participate in unstructured maker play encourages:
Imagination and tactile understanding.
It helps develop:
Enables risk taking
Build independence
Remember- there is no right or wrong way to play!